Sunday, August 31, 2008

In response to my survey...

It seems as though I forgot about Pitch Black when I was making my decision. That WAS a decent movie. All of the responses I got included that movie. That was the one movie that everybody liked across the board. Boiler Room was mentioned, which was a great movie, but not because of Vin Diesel. Everything else that people mentioned is garbage, but that's my opinion.
Mr Tommy Kabat said it best:

"He does kinda have a 'thing' - even if it's typecast. Beats watching a 60 year old Stallone, old man Harrison Ford or Arnold, "The Governor" trying to re-live their action movie glory.

I wish other questions in life were answered so swiftly and astutely.

Vin Diesel may be a tool and he may not be my cup of tea, but he is entertaining at times and brings joy to many people.

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