Witch "Paralyzed"
Release Date: 3/18/08
Tee Pee Records
I'm sure the awesomeness of this record is old news by now, but I'm almost positive it's gonna make my "Best of 2008" list. I liked their first "S/T" record more at first because it was slower and more stoney, but this record is so fucking catchy it's rediculous. I read an interview where their guitarist (forgot his name, my bad) said that this record was written more naturally to J. Mascis' drumming style, meaning the first record they were trying to be slow and stoney against their own will. He's more of a "punk drummer" is what he said, so the result is faster, more punk influenced songs. There are still some slow molasses rock songs, but the change from fast to slow makes the record a lot more refreshing and fun to listen to. Go pick it up NOW if you haven't already.
Iron Lung "Sexless / No Sex"
Release Date: 2/4/08
Prank Records
Easily the best grindcore/powerviolence album of the year. It's very refreshing to me to listen to agressive, heavy music without all the frills. There are two men that make up this group and they make up for lack of man power with balls to the wall hardcore. It kind of makes you want to move you body when you listen to it. Every band nowadays is trying to be so clean sounding and who can do the most crazy riffs and sick breakdowns. Naw son, none of that here. Just good old fashioned powerviolence. This is another record you NEED to get.
In Flames "A Sense of Purpose"
Release Date: 4/1/08
Koch Records
They should have named this record "A Sense of Gayness". Everything about this record sucks my dick...hard. Even the cover art is lame, just look at it. What is this, a Korn album? I couldn't even make it through the whole thing. Maybe the last 4 songs are the best songs ever written and I turned off the album before I could have my mind blown, but I highly doubt that. I'm so happy that At the Gates broke up 12 years ago so they aren't making horrible records like this and whatever Soilwork is calling music now. Fuck this. Burn this record if you see it.
Cryptopsy "The Unspoken King"
Release Date: 5/24/08
Century Media
Here's the deal, Cryptopsy made a horrible record and they can't admit it. This piece of garbage sound like some dildo with a pony tail sat them down and said, "You guys are going to become obsolete if you don't conform to todays standard in technical death metal" and they said, "Okay!". Today's standard in technical death metal is retarded. I read an interview where they said, "So we have clean vocals, so what!?" That's not my issue. My issue is that they TRIED too hard. The only good thing about this album is the drumming, which is a given. In an era where every drummer used triggers and cheats to sound like Flo Mournier, Flo Mournier IS Flo Mournier. He's a fucking beast and can play life out of any kid coming up today, but even his drumming can't save this record. They need to just go back to what they did best, or maybe it's not possible. So many bands now have taken Cryptopsy's formula for success and bitten it off, that the thing that made them good in the first place is becoming outdated. It's a horrible catch 22.
Zozobra "Bird of Prey"
Release Date: 7/28/08
Hydra Head Records
I want to like this record really badly, but there's just something missing. It seems a little to pollished maybe, I don't know, it's just a bit boring. There's nothing in this record that really blew my mind. It's okay for a listen or two, but there's nothing groundbreaking. If you liked their last record, it's kind of an extension, but not as experimental.
That's about all I can write right now, I have about 2 dozen more albums to review and the daunting task is stressing me out, so check back in soon for more.
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