Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The world MIGHT end tonight....

So there are some scientists out there that just can't let nature take it's course and have to know that EVERYTHING is possible. The built this fun machine called the Hadron Collider. That's this bad boy:

This Space Mountain looking monstrosity, when/if turned on, makes particles do their own special mosh pit and, if everything goes as the scientists suspect, will suck the Earth into it's very own black hole in a matter of seconds. It's cool to think some curious little cats outside of Geneva could actually make a black hole, but I'm pretty fond of Earth, no matter how much humankind tries to fuck it up. So for Earth's sake, I hope there is a decimal point missing somewhere or else none of will be traceable to anything else in the universe...ever. Like, evaporated. You know how beautiful they say the jungle in Brazil is? That will have never existed as far as the universe is concerned. You know your car that you love? It means nothing.

They are initiating the startup phase of this at 1am tonight/tomorrow morning. Here's an example of what will happen if it goes correctly:

If this shit works, I've had fun with all of you. It's been nice wasting my life learning things that have no value after I'm evaporated.

1 comment:

GianniArone said...

The Large Hadron Collider has the possibility to create extremely small black holes. The black holes would last no more than a microsecond - long enough to give example to professor Hawkings studies on the phenomena. Therein the possibility exists for these glimpses of black holes to be an anomaly and have unforseen catastrophic effects - but again - that is a diminished possibility.

On a higher scale of possibility - the LHC most likely would open up other dimensional states. Allowing particles to travel in previously unforseen and unobserved ways.

The goal of this almost 30 mile long particle accelerator - is to find the Higgs Boson particle - referred to as the God Particle that would give a better understanding as to why particles accumulate mass and reveal more about the mysteries of gravity. Gravity is the weakest of all the fundamental forces - and while it's prescence is seemingly powerful on planets - the root of gravity at the deepest part of the universe is exceptionally weak and almost untraceable.

The goal of the LHC is to create the Higgs Boson by recreating (as best we can) the moments that occured after the Big Bang. Hopefully giving physicists and scientists a better grasp on the ever evolving universe.

It's interesting to note that the LHC is cooled to an intense −271.25 °C - making a certain scientific research center in Genevea - one of the coldest points in the observable universe.