Thursday, January 1, 2009

Top 10 Albums of 2008

I've been putting this off, because this is a hard list for me to compile. I wanted to wait until 2008 was over so I had ample time to digest my thoughts on the amazing music that came out last year. Like every year, these may not be everybody's top albums, but you can write your own blog, compile your own list. Now I will attempt to do this, my top 10 albums of 2008:

10. Mogwai "The Hawk is Howling"

9. Harvey Milk "Life... The Best Game in Town"

8. Earth "The Bees Made Honey in the Lions Skull"

7. Krallice "Krallice"

6. Perth Express "Harrow and Wealdstone"

5. Black Mountain "In the Future"

4. Witch "Paralyzed"

3. Iron Lung "Sexless // No Sex"

2. Genghis Tron "Board Up The House"

1. Torche "Meanderthal"

Honorable Mentions:
Ken Mode "Mennonite"
Melvins "Nude With Boots"
Nachtmystium "Assassins: Black Meddle Part I"
Pyramids "Pyramids"
Cursed "III: Architects of Troubled Sleep"
Extortion "Sick"
Ceremony "...And Still Nothing Moves You"
Annihilation Time "Tales of the Ancient Age"
Aura Noir "Hades Rise"
Madvillain "Madvillainy II"
Rotten Sound "Cycles"
Lil' Wayne "The Carter III"
Brightblack Morning Light "Motion to Rejoin"
Jenny Lewis "Acid Tongue"
Mind Eraser "Conscious Unconscious"
MGMT "Oracular Spectacular"

I know that's a lot of Honorable Mentions, but those were all the albums that I couldn't fit on the list. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I didn't mention those. There are about twice as many GREAT albums that I didn't even mention on this list. Make your own list and get back to me, have a little fun. See you in 2009!

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