Tuesday, December 23, 2008
SEX VID - Communal Living (2008)
1. Cleansing
2. Footsteps
3. Cardinal Red
4. Authority Of Scripture
5. No Room
6. Sublimation
7. Communal Living I
8. Communal Living II
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Unbreakable gift certificates available!!!
Unbreakable Tattoo
11356 Ventura Blvd.
Studio City, CA 91604
(818) 763-5910
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Obama is Batman?
Is Obama...
…the antichrist?
…a muslim?
…a U.S. citizen?
These are the top questions asked about Obama on Google. It's funny the type of retarded questions people ask, just so they can validate their doubts and fears. I think maybe the only validated question there is "Is Obama a muslim?" That's a pretty valid question, but no. And even if he was, it should be a non issue. This is a free country that, at some point, became Christian. Separation of church and state has become less of a separation and more of a marriage. Religion has nothing to do with politics. Maybe morals, but just because you are a muslim doesn't make you immoral. Actually far from it. It just makes you a bit different than the Christian norm. It may be different if he were a scientologist (sorry Tom Cruise, but you guys are crazy). Let's stop focusing on stupid things like this, and a bit more on what both candidates plan to do with our country which, let's be honest, is a few years away from being extinct if we "Freeze all funding except for defense". You know why I like Obama? Becuase he gives concrete, concise answers for what he plans to do about important issues. McCain doesn't do that. He just say things like,"I'm the Maverick", "I'm an independent thinker", "I know how to solve that...". That's great, how is your record going to help our country? Almost everybody in Bush's cabinet has a boat load of experience, but shitty ideas. Obama makes sense while McCain just tries to mudsling and make Obama look flawed, which is redundant, he's a politician, of course he's flawed, I wouldn't expect anything less. Politicians are some of the worst people on the planet, so stop pointing out the obvious and tell me how you're going to save our nation. If your only plan is to keep doing what Bush has been doing for 8 years and appoint some lady with less experience than I do to VP, then I'll pass. Try again in 4 years, if you're still alive.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I love my country...
RIP Alexei Cherepanov...
Monday, October 13, 2008
The blaze from above...
Here is this weeks playlist:
Band Song Album
Behold the Monolith "Witchunt Supreme" E.P.
Ancestors "Neptune with Fire" Neptune with Fire
Ramesses "The Tomb" The Tomb
Key of Mythras "The Poisoned Stench Came from the Abyss" Hail the Reaper
Sepultura "Procreation of the Wicked" Blood Rooted
Intronaut "Iceblocks" Void
Phuse "Bastards" Demo
Dismember "Combat Fatigue" Dismember
The Haunted "Well of Souls" Power from the North
Sweet Cobra "The Motherfucker" Forever
Mastodon "Colony of Birchmen" Blood Mountain
Players Club "Clean" Regenesis
Mouth of the Architect "At Arms Length" The Ties That Blind
Iota "Opiate Blues" Tales
Black Mountain "Wucan" In the Future
Nebula "Loose Cannon" Apollo
Log onto www.knac.com every Sun from 3 to 5pm Pacific time for Super Rock Sunday.
Our EP AVAILABLE NOW on our page!!! Go check it out….
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Behold! The Monolith for sale at Amoeba Records
Sect is playing at Tribal Cafe in Echo Park on October 24th. SUPPORT!!!!
Repost please!!!!!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
New B!TM songs now up!!!!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Best take on Palin yet!
Ask Blognigger: Countess or Cuntess?
Astute reader Katie W. writes,
Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 5:49 PM
Subject: SP
To: Blogngr
Hi BN-
I am very curious to hear your opinion on Sarah Palin. She's a cunt, and I disagree with most of her policy postitions, but there is something about her way that I respect. What do you make of her?
All my best,
Katie (Swear on my fucking life I didn't make up her name...it's another Katie...sweet! -ed)
Hi Katie,
Your .sig indicates that you are a senior member of executive management at an intellectual, morally unsurpassed, philanthropic organization.
You'll have to excuse my candor, but I need to confess that:
* your professional stature
* your organization's global credibility
* the fact that you're writing someone called "blognigger" to ask his opinion on a crucial political issue
* your usage of the word "cunt"
...all combine together to evoke within me an involuntary arousal: In fact I have a semi. Here at blognigger we at least TRY to keep it authentiik; I apologize if this reaction disqualifies my answer from being taken seriously.
Katie, I'm glad you asked. Here is the deal with Sarah Palin:
She's a mutherfucking powerhouse. Her numbers are fucking huge. Shit, check out the bitch's stats:
The girl is unstoppable.
Seriously, after witnessing the sheer power behind her energy and drive, you just have to respect her. You'd be blind not to:
She has the balls of mike tyson, she's tough as Putin's Siberian grandma, practices what she preaches, keeps it real like muthafuckin Soldja Girl, and her jaws can crush through a parking meter.
To top it all off, she's hot as a cuntfox, can suck a golfball through a garden-hose, and fucks so hard that even her kids get pregnant.
But here's the problem over there, Katie:
Take as exhibits A,B, & C the following personal email from Sarah Palin's inbox, hacked and brought to you by Anonymous 4greatjustice & lulz:
Here's the text of the email in case you can't squint like a chinaman:
Hey Sarah,
I am reading the paper, and have thoughts and prayers going your way...........don't let the negative press wear you down! Pray for me as well. I need strength to 1. keep employment, 2. not have to choose. Lately I just pray may God's will be done. I am trying to learn patience and to listen to God. I pray he gives you energy! Stength!
Love, Amy
Now listen: I am a black man who believes in the power of evidence. I believe that OJ Simpson killed his wife and the waiter - know why? Cause OJ's bloody glove was right fuckin there and there was blood in his car and his dna all over the scene. Done.
The above email is also evidence: it's a bloody glove with more dna than RKelly at a Junior-Varsity bbq. It is evidence that Sarah Palin belongs to a scary-ass Fargo North Dakota cult where niggas be talkin 'bout lord give me strength to obey and not choose, and I'll pray that He'll do this and that and Jesus make this happen and Holy Ghost this and that and all that shit.
Members of this cult are LITERALLY unpredictable psychopaths, and we absolutely cannot have any of its brainwashed adherents anywhere near the whitehouse.
The above email is every bit as bad as if Obama got a howler email at his table at Hogwarts with these bitches on the front:
And when he opened the shit up it was just all
Sarah Palin's email is just as damning: it proves that she's not just a Christian as in she goes to church 'cause she wants to raise her kids with some structure and a sense of identity and religion can generally be healthy, celebrates easter and gets a bit serious and then maybe even goes to confession once in awhile to sooth her soul.
No: she is a member of this American religious cult of fuckin wing nuts - as far as I'm concerned, ALL dem muthafuckas is one step away from being David Koresh with some branch dividian shit, hoarding weapons, building forts, fuckin they daughters, and blasting the FBI in some inevitable standoff.
What we KNOW about this cult is that they:
-hate gays
-hate jews
-hate and FEAR any unpleasant freedom that goes against the cult, such as abortion
-pity, condescend to, and devote their lives to aggressively fighting against against ANYONE who does not agree with the 2000 year old tenets of their cult- and always under the auspices of healing and openness will legislate as such. Their FIRST duty is always to the cult, and they will bend facts and statements of motivation in order to make sure that they do His work.
So what happens when the invisible monster tells her to do more unpredictable shit when she's president after John McCain drops dead of a heart attack in Feb. '09.
Bitch has her finger on the button? 2012 is around the corner: What happens when He says it's time for armeggedon and that He brought her into the whitehouse to fufill the prophesy of the Seventh Seal?
You'd be psycho to have this bitch in office. Period. John McCain is a thousand years old, and he's gonna die. I don't want him to die, I think he actually seems like a good solid guy and even pretty forward-thinking for a fossil. But he's gonna die, and then that cult is going to have an operative as the leader of the free world.
Fuck that shit.
Admire her from afar- she's a total badass. Good for her, she's inspiring - and yes, I'd fuck her so hard I'd give her retarded TWINS. But the bitch can't be president.
Vote Obama for us Katie - better black than crack.
Hope this helps,
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Giannisms #2
"Dear Las Vegas,
I demand a refund.
Gianni Arone"
"There are so many whores...this is ideal."
"My fantasy is to get a pregnant hooker and make her give birth in my hotel room. Find me that."
"We are getting to the point where guns will be drawn."
"Why haven't I gambled my whole life? Because I am frivelous and unruly!"
"I'd be a very eccentric billionaire."
Cream Flipping...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Giannisms #1
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
New Behold! The Monolith song on our myspace!!!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Poot poot!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Bison - Quiet Earth (2008)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The world MIGHT end tonight....
This Space Mountain looking monstrosity, when/if turned on, makes particles do their own special mosh pit and, if everything goes as the scientists suspect, will suck the Earth into it's very own black hole in a matter of seconds. It's cool to think some curious little cats outside of Geneva could actually make a black hole, but I'm pretty fond of Earth, no matter how much humankind tries to fuck it up. So for Earth's sake, I hope there is a decimal point missing somewhere or else none of will be traceable to anything else in the universe...ever. Like, evaporated. You know how beautiful they say the jungle in Brazil is? That will have never existed as far as the universe is concerned. You know your car that you love? It means nothing.
They are initiating the startup phase of this at 1am tonight/tomorrow morning. Here's an example of what will happen if it goes correctly:
If this shit works, I've had fun with all of you. It's been nice wasting my life learning things that have no value after I'm evaporated.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Voetsek - Infernal Command (2008)
1. Family Ties
2. Sorry Don'T Mean Shit
3. Terror On The Dance Floor
4. Plagued By The Winds Of Conformity
5. W.W.L.D.
6. Rethinking The Paradigm
7. Blueprint For The Perfect Circle Pit
8. Frozen Heart
9. Screwdriver Smile
10. Self-Righteous Fuckdom
11. Bully With A Badge
12. Aggro Fueled
13. Five Years In Iraq
14. Dismember Momma
15. Mucho Macho
16. Onward To Nothingness
17. Strange Fruit
Click the picture to download
Sunday, August 31, 2008
In response to my survey...
Mr Tommy Kabat said it best:
"He does kinda have a 'thing' - even if it's typecast. Beats watching a 60 year old Stallone, old man Harrison Ford or Arnold, "The Governor" trying to re-live their action movie glory.
I wish other questions in life were answered so swiftly and astutely.
Vin Diesel may be a tool and he may not be my cup of tea, but he is entertaining at times and brings joy to many people.
I'm conducting a survey...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Middian broke up
"Oregon's Middian (i.e. Age Eternal) has officially called it quits. As you may recall, the group was embroiled in a lawsuit with a Wisconsin band called Midian regarding the use of their name. Said legal action has apparently taken its toll as the band has issued the following statement:
'Our lawsuit is finally coming to a close. It has been a hard year, and we could not have done it without the support of the metal community world wide and the time and money people donated to our cause. We are eternally in your debt. Sadly, the lawsuit came with a high cost to us personally and interpersonally. Scott Headrick is quitting the band and moving. Mike S felt he needed to back off from touring due to family and work/lack of work issues, cutting his touring commitment from 60-70 shows a year to a handful of shows, mostly local to the West Coast, for an indefinite amount of time, maybe permanently. This extreme change in direction, coupled with the immense stress of our lawsuit and inner conflicts in the band resulted in Scott's decision to move on with his life. Scott Headrick is the highest caliber of person. We mourn his loss, and support his need to take care of himself. We are very sad to share this news about Age Eternal, but are confident that it must and will open the doors for new music creation and growth. Will Lindsay and Mike S will continue to write music with the goal of recording and doing some shows, under another name, as a new band and not Age Eternal. And with Will’s now full-time commitment playing guitar with the immaculate Wolves In The Throneroom, people should be expecting to see him in their hometown in the USA and abroad very soon. Once again, we cannot thank the metal community and people who donated their money and time enough. We feel extremely fortunate to be a part of such a quality group of people, and we will pay your kindness and generosity forward.'
With Middian now done, Mike Scheidt has reformed his old band, YOB, which broke up several years ago. Here's the official word:
'YOB is reforming to record a new album and do a limited number of shows. We have a number of new songs we are working on and our goal is to record in the Spring for a Summer 2009 release. We are very excited about this new material.
'YOB will be doing a very small amount of shows to support our new recording. We hope to do 2-3 shows on the west coast, 2-3 on the east coast, and maybe get over to the UK/Europe for a couple of shows if promoters over there feel it would be worth their $$ to bring YOB over for a very short run. We will not add any other shows to these except in rare instances.'"
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Behold! The Monolith show TOMORROW in Hollywood
Here's the stats people:
Doors 7:30pm
Behold! The Monolith 8:00 – 8:30
National Sunday Law 8:45 – 9:15
Mouth of the Architect 9:30 – 10:00
Behold... the Arctopus 10:15 – 10:45
Intronaut 11:00 – 11:45
$10 Advance / $12 At The Door
The Knitting Factory
7021 Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Monday, August 25, 2008
Fucking nazis...
Ken Mode - Mennonite
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
New music reviews
Witch "Paralyzed"
Release Date: 3/18/08
Tee Pee Records
I'm sure the awesomeness of this record is old news by now, but I'm almost positive it's gonna make my "Best of 2008" list. I liked their first "S/T" record more at first because it was slower and more stoney, but this record is so fucking catchy it's rediculous. I read an interview where their guitarist (forgot his name, my bad) said that this record was written more naturally to J. Mascis' drumming style, meaning the first record they were trying to be slow and stoney against their own will. He's more of a "punk drummer" is what he said, so the result is faster, more punk influenced songs. There are still some slow molasses rock songs, but the change from fast to slow makes the record a lot more refreshing and fun to listen to. Go pick it up NOW if you haven't already.
Iron Lung "Sexless / No Sex"
Release Date: 2/4/08
Prank Records
Easily the best grindcore/powerviolence album of the year. It's very refreshing to me to listen to agressive, heavy music without all the frills. There are two men that make up this group and they make up for lack of man power with balls to the wall hardcore. It kind of makes you want to move you body when you listen to it. Every band nowadays is trying to be so clean sounding and who can do the most crazy riffs and sick breakdowns. Naw son, none of that here. Just good old fashioned powerviolence. This is another record you NEED to get.
In Flames "A Sense of Purpose"
Release Date: 4/1/08
Koch Records
They should have named this record "A Sense of Gayness". Everything about this record sucks my dick...hard. Even the cover art is lame, just look at it. What is this, a Korn album? I couldn't even make it through the whole thing. Maybe the last 4 songs are the best songs ever written and I turned off the album before I could have my mind blown, but I highly doubt that. I'm so happy that At the Gates broke up 12 years ago so they aren't making horrible records like this and whatever Soilwork is calling music now. Fuck this. Burn this record if you see it.
Cryptopsy "The Unspoken King"
Release Date: 5/24/08
Century Media
Here's the deal, Cryptopsy made a horrible record and they can't admit it. This piece of garbage sound like some dildo with a pony tail sat them down and said, "You guys are going to become obsolete if you don't conform to todays standard in technical death metal" and they said, "Okay!". Today's standard in technical death metal is retarded. I read an interview where they said, "So we have clean vocals, so what!?" That's not my issue. My issue is that they TRIED too hard. The only good thing about this album is the drumming, which is a given. In an era where every drummer used triggers and cheats to sound like Flo Mournier, Flo Mournier IS Flo Mournier. He's a fucking beast and can play life out of any kid coming up today, but even his drumming can't save this record. They need to just go back to what they did best, or maybe it's not possible. So many bands now have taken Cryptopsy's formula for success and bitten it off, that the thing that made them good in the first place is becoming outdated. It's a horrible catch 22.
Zozobra "Bird of Prey"
Release Date: 7/28/08
Hydra Head Records
I want to like this record really badly, but there's just something missing. It seems a little to pollished maybe, I don't know, it's just a bit boring. There's nothing in this record that really blew my mind. It's okay for a listen or two, but there's nothing groundbreaking. If you liked their last record, it's kind of an extension, but not as experimental.
That's about all I can write right now, I have about 2 dozen more albums to review and the daunting task is stressing me out, so check back in soon for more.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
At the Gates
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Julie MacDonald
Friday, July 18, 2008
Here are some Secular games that Christian gamers and parents should be aware of...
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Komani, PS3)
6.12.2008: (Note: I have not played this game since it is rated "M" and isn't
allowed on the Fellowship U campus, so I am basing this mini-review on Secular media reports.) In Metal Gear Solid 4, you play the role of Snake, a soldier who uses stealth to sneak around a battlefield on a mission to steal guns from the Patriots (and to choke people from behind). As his name implies, Snake is actually a symbolic agent of Satan, sent into the world to finish what he started in the Garden. Evidence of this symbolism can be seen by Snake's use of an Apple iPod throughout the game (Apple is a notorious promoter of Darwinism and counter-culture). Also, Meryl, who guides Snake via a disembodied voice, uses an Apple Macintosh computer (I think Meryl is supposed to represent Satan himself, but all the symbolism is very confusing since it was written by a Japanese guy). This game promotes drug use (Snake is addicted to cigarettes and the HDD installation process features an 8-minute video of Snake teaching players how to smoke), eugenics through human cloning (Snake was the product of a project to clone "super soldiers"), disrespect of Authority (Snake's main enemy in the game are the Patriots, who represent the Christian founders of our nation), and Materialistic Determinacy with an absence of Free Will (every game in the MGS series is a remake of the first, only with a different Snake clone, the theory being that by putting the clones through the same missions, they will develop into the same person). MGS4 was designed to train those who will be left behind after the Rapture to serve in the Antichrist's military forces. As such, it has no value for the Christian gamer, who is among the Elect and won't have to deal with that, but it may help the unsaved to know the tactics they will be up against in a post-Rapture world should they choose to join the fight against the Antichrist and secure themselves a place among the Sheep when Christ returns. Therefore, I am giving it ONE CROSS for this slight benefit. †
Grand Theft Auto IV (Rockstar, Xbox 360 & PS3)
Atheist Nick runs from God's Authority
5.6.2008: (Note: I have not played this game since it is rated "M" and isn't allowed on the Fellowship U campus, so I am basing this mini-review on Secular media reports.) Grand Theft Auto IV is a game designed to brain-wash players into the Atheist worldview. In it you play Nick, an immigrant recently arrived to Liberty City (a copy of New York City) who is tasked with stealing cars and murdering prostitutes. Nick came from a former Communist country where he was brought up in Godlessness and so he sees no problem stealing and murdering. The game touts its ability to let you "go anywhere and do anything you want", the central philosophy of Atheism. It also teaches how to escape from police, instilling in the player the main motivation behind Atheism: avoidance of authority. The underlying game engine is called "RAGE", which is apt since the game is fueled by anger at God. It also uses something called "Euphoria" which treats humans as "rag dolls" who act only in accordance to physics, which is what Atheistic Materialism teaches. The game series (as the title notes, this is the fourth game) has already resulted in murders in real life. This game has no redeemable qualities. Needless to say, all Christians should avoid this game and pray for the people who made it and their victims (murder victims and gamers of all ages who have played it and have been spiritually scarred). ZERO CROSSES
BioShock (Take-Two, Xbox 360 & Windows)
'Bioshock' murder
8.24.2007: (Note: I have not played this game since it is rated "M" and isn't allowed on the Fellowship U campus, so I am basing this mini-review on Secular media reports.) BioShock is a first-person shooter set in Rapture, an underwater city created upon the Atheist philosophies of Ayn Rand and Charles Darwin. In a Darwinian struggle to survive, players must kill small children in order to harvest their "Adam" (a.k.a. "stem cells"), which players use to obtain "plasmids" that cause them to macro-evolve superhuman abilities. The children themselves also kill other people to harvest their Adam, which is the sort of behavior Godless Darwinism teaches young people (I don't think its a coincidence that these children are aided in their killing by large diving-suited beings called "Big Daddies"). There's lots of not-so-subtle anti-Christian imagery used in the game, like how the city name, "Rapture", refers to there being no Christians living there, since they are all up above the water (much like how when the real Rapture comes, we will all be above the Earth) and how players use resources called "Adam" and "Eve" to become genetically degraded by the plasmids making them less human (just like how the Fall, caused by Adam and Eve, brought death, mutations, and carnivores to our world). I'm not sure if this game is supposed to be a cautionary tale about how Atheism and Darwinism destroy society, or a simulator to train its teenage target audience to enjoy living in such a world. Either way, the game is too disturbing to be suitable for Christian audiences. ZERO CROSSES
Bully (Rockstar, PS2)
'Bully' Homosexuality
10.22.2006: Bully is a very, very bad game. It promotes school violence, vandalism, disrespect for authority, and comic mischief. This was all expected when Rockstar announced their "Columbine simulator", but there's one surprise in the game no one saw coming: It teaches young boys to become homosexuals. Your character, Jimmy Hopkins, can "make out" with six other boys in the game and is rewarded with a health bonus (subtly teaching that homosexual sex is healthy). This content is hidden, not mentioned anywhere on the packaging or content rating. The game causes players to discover it by accident, then entices them to do it again and again, much like how actual homosexuality spreads. I had to try every boy in town just to find the ones that would kiss me. It was gross! After one of the boys asked me if I wanted to play "shirts and skins", I quickly turned off the Playstation because I didn't want to see what that was (Pastor Skeet later told me it's homosexual slang). Worst of all is that "Bully" is rated Teen, which means boys as young as 13 could be learning how to approach and kiss other boys! Parents need to be warned of this hidden objectionable content so they can organize boycotts. Please inform your Church. ZERO CROSSES
Here's the deal...
Apparently I have Antisocial Personality Disorder
A friend of mine was trying to explain to me exactly what it is. It sounded very normal and vague so I wikipedia'd it. Apparently the only requirement is that you are a somewhat flawed human being to suffer from it...
Three or more of the following are required:[1]
- Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest;
- Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeatedly lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure;
- Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead;
- Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults;
- Reckless disregard for safety of self or others;
- Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations;
- Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another.
- Persistent lying or stealing
- Recurring difficulties with the law
- Tendency to violate the rights and boundaries of others
- Substance abuse
- Aggressive, often violent behavior; prone to getting involved in fights
- A persistent agitated or depressed feeling (dysphoria)
- Inability to tolerate boredom
- Disregard for the safety of self or others
- A childhood diagnosis of conduct disorders - this is not a symptom but "a history of"
- Lack of remorse, related to hurting others
- Superficial charm
- Impulsiveness
- A sense of extreme entitlement
- Inability to make or keep friends
- Recklessness, impulsivity[4][5]
Sounds to me like a relatively normal alcoholic wanted to be diagnosed with something so they made up a disease.
The Happening...
Why didn't I think of this?
Copyright 2008 Houston Chronicle
Two men and a juvenile are accused of digging up a corpse, decapitating the body and using the head to smoke marijuana, according to court documents.
Matthew Gonzalez and Kevin Jones have been charged with the misdemeanor offense of abuse of a corpse, said Scott Durfee, a spokesman for the Harris County District Attorneys Office.
According to documents filed in the case, Gonzalez, Jones and an unnamed juvenile on March 15 went to an Humble cemetery, dug up a man's grave, left with the head and turned it into a "bong."
Gonzalez told authorities about the incident Wednesday, and showed officers the defaced grave, including a 4-foot hole. Because of a heavy rain, officers were unable to determine whether the casket or the body had been disturbed.
Super Rock Sunday on KNAC.com
We have been told that we are going
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Clouds - We Are Above You (2008)
Sunday, April 27, 2008
New album reviews 4/26/08
Earth "The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull"
Release date: 2/26/08
Southern Lord
Something about Earth makes their brand of molasses rock very listenable. I can usually only take slower music in small doses and in right moods, but I could put this album on any time and get lost in it. It's signature Earth: slow, twangy, mellow, ambient. It really sounds like the soundrack of a murderer driving down a lonely desert road at dusk with a body in the trunk, driving to his burial destination. Evil, but beautiful.
Soilent Green "Inevitable Collapse in the Presence of Conviction"
Release date: 4/15/08
Metal Blade
I don't want to take anything away from "Sewn Mouth Secrets", which is one of my favorite grind/death/southern core albums by saying this album blows. I need to say that. I loved Soilent Green, that album was something never done before and at the time I heard it, it was the first time I'd heard their style, a mish mash of Converge style grind with EyeHateGod style sludge. I haven't heard their last album, I was told to stear clear. I was hoping this one would be ok, but my hopes have been crushed. It seems to me that they sat down and wrote 1,000 different 10 second riffs and hastily glued them all together without looking for any kind of flow. There is nothing on this album that I listen to and say,"Man, you gotta hear this one part!" It's all just boring, I lost interest right away. Bottom line is to go buy "Sewn Mouth Secrets" and hope in a couple years they can put out an album that good again.
Meshuggah "obZen"
Release date: 3/11/08
Nuclear Blast America
This record's OK I guess. There are some really cool syncopated rhythms on the record, which is expected from the math masters, but as a whole it doesn't blow me away. I also heard that none of the drums on the record are live, they're all programmed. I can appreciate the effort that it takes to program those parts and make them sound like a real drummer, but Thomas Haake is an amazing drummer that could most definately pull this shit off, so I think he should have. A lot of these math pioneers are just getting tired. When it came out it was revolutionary, but there's other stuff now that has raised the bar. Meshuggah needs to go up with that bar.
Torche "Meanderthal"
Release date: 4/8/08
Hydra Head Records
This is the first non-stop, can't leave my CD player album of the year. I can't put my finger on it, and neither can anybody I know. It's just super catchy. I wasn't too happy about the last one they put out, but I think this is the best record they've made. Their self titled full length is cool, but this one just seems so much more cohesive and well written. It's a perfect summer album. The vocals seem to be more on point as well. It's a perfect blend of sludge and pop metal. Definate must listen.
The Sword "Gods of the Earth"
Release date: 4/1/08
Kemado Records
The reason I'm stoked on this one is because of The Sword's progression in song writing. "Age of Winters" was a great album but it became redundant at times and one song seemed to bleed into another. This one seems to have more distinction in each song. There are some Thin Lizzy type riffs to more Slayer style thrash parts and of course the neo Black Sabbath sound that they seem to have mastered. I listened to this one for about a week straight, it plays nice, no real bad parts to it.
The Endless Blockade "Primitive"
Release date: 5/20/08
20 Buck Spin
Where would my life be right now if I had not found grindcore? Nobody knows for sure, but it would definately be lacking because I would not have been introduced to this record. It's pretty much balls to the wall from start to finish. It's a really good throwback to old Napalm Death or Dropdead, charged by politics, anger, and angst. Looks like all Canadian bands don't suck (don't say Rush, because Rush sucks). Cryptopsy used to be good. Who else is from Canada? See, there's your answer.
Boris "Smile"
Release date: 4/29/08
Southern Lord
I'm sorry, but this record is garbage. Maybe I'm not hip or intelligent enough, but you can't trick me into thinking this is good. It's basically 8 songs of painfully out of tune singing/guitars with some noise in between being passed off as ambiance. "Pink" was a good record, but I really just can't stomach this. I read a review that gave this like 4.5 out of 5 stars, so I must be missing something, or maybe I'm just not braindead. Fuck this album. Worst album of '08 so far.
Russian Circles "Station"
Release date: 5/6/08
Suicide Squeeze
Most of this record is very boring. I think I really liked their last record because I liked what they were doing. They're like a bit more metal version of Explosions in the Sky. I was hoping they would progress a bit more, there are so many different ways I thought this record could could go, but it didn't go any of them. The first couple of times I listened I was going to give this a "Pissed" rating, but then I listened to it in my car while driving at night. That is how this record needs to be listened if you want it to be at all interesting. Listening to it my house made me want shoot herion, cut my thighs, and cry. It's just too boring.
Genghis Tron "Board Up the House"
Release date: 2/19/08
Relapse Records
Yay Genghis Tron! You met every one of my expectations for a new record! Congratulations. This record has a lot more groove and melody, but not in a pussy way, they did exactly what they should have done to up themselves from their last record. The first time I heard about them I thought that the whole technogrind thing could go horribly wrong, but they do it in such a way that it's not to Ministry and/or not too fucking gay ass Paul Oakenfold or some shit. Very nice gentlemen. Keep up the good work. One of the few bands that has lyrics I actually care about too. Imagine a chaotic Converge, but from the computer of three crazy guys from Philadelphia.
The Black Keys "Attack and Release"
Release date: 4/1/08
Can I say that these guys sold out without sounding pretentious and jaded? Well I'm gonna say it anyway. I think have Danger Mouse produce this record was a bad idea, it sounds like Gnarls Barkley with The Black Keys playing over it. It's not all bad, there are a few good parts in the album, but over all it's very boring and over pollished. The thing I loved about "Magic Potion" was the rawness, I think it was recorded in a fucking basement. That is surely not this album. I shun you Black Keys.
Next reviews:
Witch "Paralyzed"
Black Cobra "Feather and Stone"
Iron Lung "Sexless/No Sex"
Crom "Hot Sumerian Nights"
Black Mountain "Future Sounds"
In Flames "A Sense of Purpose"
Cryptopsy "The Unspoken King"